Golden Tips
On this page you will find great links, useful tips, and things that you must not forget. Do you have a great tip of your own? Please let us know!
ANW Flyers: we have developed flyers for different moment in the procedure. Please contact us by email to request a flyer:
Flyer Basic Information
Flyer Backgrounds of Children USA
Flyer Adopting with a medical background by prospective adoptive parents
Flyer 38+
Facebook: A New Way also has a Facebook page. It is not compulsory, of course, but if you like to meet other couples who have adopted from the USA or who are currently in the procedure, than this is possible!
Arrival Announcement Cards: Marieke and Irene adopted their daughter River through ANW. But long before the adoption she already owned her own design studio for beautiful cards, including adoption arrival announcement cards. Marieke is happy to create a beautiful card for your child, if you are interested.
Adoption under Dutch law or questions about the recognition procedure: for example because it concerns an adoption in one name only in the USA. Are you looking for a good lawyer, then you can contact Annemarie Braun at the law firm ScheerSanders Advocaten.
Translations: do you want your Dutch text to be translated? Do you want your English text to be checked for errors in grammar or spelling? Do you require a sworn translation? Please contact Jolanda van Ammers at Van Ammers Taalbureau ( Jolanda has extensive and long-term experience with USA adoption procedures. She works fast, efficiently, and at highly competitive prices.