

An adoption procedure is an emotionally challenging process for everyone involved. The biological parents are facing one of the most difficult decisions you can make, when they go through the process of making an adoption plan for their child. The prospective adoptive parents often have a long road to travel until they are allowed to adopt and finally can adopt a child. But most of all, the child did not ask to be in this situation, and shall has to live with the reality of not growing up with his or her biological family.

During the adoption procedures everything revolves around the best interests of the child, for the present and for the future. Therefore, the activities of ANW are focused on the children: all our efforts are focused on the adoptees, so that they can look back on the adoption procedure later in life and see that ANW and its American partners worked with careful procedures based on the current laws and legislation at that time, and that we executed and supervised those procedures, with respect to the wishes that the biological family had expressed for their children.

Although the mission of ANW is primarily focused on the children, we are also very familiar with the road that you as the prospective adoptive parents have to travel. We understand the uncertainties, the questions, the fears, the double feelings and the joy. We are here to help you, but most of all, to supervise the procedure and to make sure that everything complies with the (ethical) laws and legislations. We make sure to do this as carefully, transparently and efficiently as possible.

To be able to have a positive and open collaborative relationship with adoptive parents, it is very important for them to have a realistic picture and realistic expectations and to work in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. ANW is always focused on the best interests of the children, for the present and the future. We expect the same focus from the adoptive parents.